Huy Duc Industries Co., Ltd

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Mr. Đức Anh
091 9899 376

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Tổng số truy cập: 468556
Kinax N702
Kinax N702

The KINAX N702 converts the tilt angle into a direct current signal, proportional to the angle. The output signal is an analog signal in form of a current change (4...20 mA). The sensor is contact free and has minimal abrasion on the pendulum. Tilt angle values of a platform e.g. on - cranes and heavy-duty vehicles - excavators and drilling machines - ships and offshore facilities stand for important measuring data as a part of the safety and control system of that type of machinery. Angular measurement, for instance for equipment levelling is performed in such cases. For acquisition the - angular positions of a crane jib - lateral inclination of a vehicle - orientation of a lifting platform, weir trap or of comparable facilities the KINAX N702 can also be used.